Back To School

Jenni and Elizabeth share some insights about their walk in faith through grade school and their college experiences. Listen to episode 7 of Between the Pages Podcast either before or after you read this commentary to get some deeper insight on the message. This commentary will not be an exact copy of the podcast episode, but rather an additional application and reflection. 

We have all been in those 8am classes where the only thing you want to do is go back to bed. Your “To Do” list of assignments is piled high. Your friends are planning a party without you. The person you like hasn’t looked at you once this whole week. The schedule of after school activities barely leaves you any time for anything else. It can be so easy to slip into an isolated and lonely place during the school year, especially around finals and the cold winter weather. 

What does glorifying the Lord look like in school? Both Elizabeth and Jenni share about the importance of those close friends and a youth group community really encouraged them during those rough spots in school. Homeschoolers, public schools, and private schools alike all need a community to be a part of. A group of people who believe in things you believe in. A small circle of friends that can ask you how you’re feeling and really care about your answer. In episode 7, Elizabeth shares a little about the dynamics of the group of friends she had in high school and how toxic relationships can crumble the trust of the friendships. It is important to remember that we all live with sin. What we choose to do with that sin or how to handle situations is where we can glorify the Lord the most. Our words and actions towards people who make fun of us, gossip about us, or are dishonest to us should reflect Jesus not our sinful nature. Connecting with other believers and even mentors at your local church can be that outlet for encouragement and a refreshing break from the drama of school life. Jenni and Elizabeth actually attended the same youth group and reflected on the important conversations that were held in a safe place at church. 

 Here are 5 steps that you can take when learning how to glorify the Lord during school:

  1. Download a Bible app. One way that you can enjoy some time with Jesus is on the way to school. Either read or listen to the verse of the day in your car or school bus. Repeat that verse over and over again until it sticks in your head. This will help you memorize Bible verses and set up your day with God’s Word in your heart. Then, throughout the day, pull up that verse and be reminded of the message. Psalm 119:105 “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Knowing Bible verses is so powerful when fighting off discouragement.

  2. Worship Playlist: Use whatever music platform you have and search for a worship playlist. It could be traditional, contemporary, modern, or instrumental. Either find something that is familiar to you or a new genre that you haven’t tried before. You could listen to this playlist in your bathroom as you’re getting ready in the morning. Listen to it while you are walking your dog. Hit shuffle when you are studying for an exam. Incorporating uplifting, Godly, and encouraging music into your school routine can help shift your negativity into positivity. Psalm 98:1  “Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.”

  3. Youth Groups: Finding a youth group might feel weird or awkward at first, but once you connect with a church in your area, you build a community and a family in Christ. If you are looking for friends that uplift you, youth groups are a great place to do that. Worshiping, engaging in Scripture, and praying with other young people your age is the fellowship that 1 John 1:7 talks about: “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” Make going to a youth group a priority in your after school activities. Being consistent in attending church will help build that community of believers and keep the conversations going week after week. 

  4. Prayer: A good time to remember to pray is before you eat lunch. It doesn’t have to be outloud or a long prayer, but acknowledging the blessings God has given you is a good place to start. You could even wear a bracelet or necklace as a reminder to pray. Every time you feel that piece of jewelry, pray. Ephesians 6:18, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” If journaling is something you want to try, I encourage you to start with a prayer journal. Add a short prayer of thanksgiving, worry, or a person’s name to your notebook everyday. Doing these small things daily will build up a habit of keeping prayer at the front of your mind. 

  5. One Act of Kindness: School can feel like a battle ground one day and other days it’s not so bad. Think of one act of kindness you can do for someone each week of school. Most schools have about 30 weeks of the year. That’s 30 acts of kindness. You could make a valentine’s card for one of your friends. Bringing a coffee to your first hour teacher would mean a lot to them. Being a good sport about a game in gym class instead of blaming others goes a long way. Helping someone study for a test benefits both you and the other person. These are just some ideas to get you started! Ephesians 4: 32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” We would love to hear about any other acts of kindness that either you did for someone or someone else did for you!

Remember, you are not alone as you balance the school, youth groups, relationships, and activities that surround you. Obviously God is always with you and will never leave you. Try practicing those 5 steps listed above and see where God takes it. It might take some time to create a habit of these things, but once you start to see God moving you’re not going to want to stop. 


Background on Lent


Speaking of Parables