Season 1 Done?!

I can’t believe we are closing out SEASON 1 of the Between the Pages Podcast! When I first began to dream up this idea a few years ago, I never thought it would become worldwide in season 1. It was only within the first five episodes that we gained friends all the way in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Like WHAT?! It was in the last 13 episodes that our team began to see our dream come to life. We were creating a space to have conversations, to talk about the real and the raw, but also to have moments where Jesus just showed up in the middle of the conversation. 

I recently had a conversation with a new friend of mine and shared our heart behind the podcast. As we were talking I said, oftentimes we can fall into a pattern of only focusing on God in the lowest of lows and the highest of highs. However, 90% of our life is spent just walking in the day to day with Jesus. So how do we take our prayerful hearts and extreme joys of faith and live that out in the day to day. Now friend, when I say this friend is SO on fire for Jesus it is UNREAL!!! I can’t wait for you to meet her. Once I told her the name of the podcast she was like “Between the Pages, I like that!! It makes sense!” 

The space we have created is to have conversations about everything and anything but to bring Jesus into those conversations! We are so excited for what is to come as we navigate where to take the podcast should that be the route we go! There are so many conversations that have happened on the podcast that have brought so much joy and truthfully so many conversations we could have! 

There are a lot of things in life this past year that I have looked back on and been so overwhelmed by the goodness of God that I get to do life with all of you! Not only have we seen Jesus show up but we have seen Jesus appear in the hearts of so many of you. The bold challenges each episode, the deep conversations you all have had, has been so uplifting and my prayer and hope is that continues. Continue to ask the questions, love others boldly, and seek after Jesus. Crazy things are coming, and we want to thank you for an incredible season on the podcast and your support! 

Make sure you go follow if you haven’t and leave a review! We want to continue to reach more and more individuals who are wanting to have those real conversations and feel challenged in their faith. 

We love yall and cannot wait to continue to serve you in this next year!


Despite the Valley of the Shadow of Death


Easter is Over, What Now?