I AM, Study Boldly Seeking Team I AM, Study Boldly Seeking Team


It was when David entered the room where Samuel was that the Lord spoke to Samuel saying, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.” This image is so powerful as we begin to explore our identity in Christ. Could you imagine hearing God say to you specifically, “Rise so I can anoint you, You are the one.” Guess what? When we give God our heart, our life, and even our every day, he says “Rise.” I always imagine looking up and seeing God face to face smiling at me, knowing that he is choosing me today to live for him, but I also choose Him to guide me, I chose life. We have this special opportunity to choose life. We have the opportunity to, instead of choosing what we want, to choose what God says is right.

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I AM: Week 1
I AM, Study Boldly Seeking Team I AM, Study Boldly Seeking Team

I AM: Week 1

Week one of the I Am study is HERE! Watch the video, download your packet, and join others as we look at our identity as, “I AM CHOSEN.

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